Attention ALL Rotary Fanatics and Enthusiasts!
The SoCalRX Club is announcing that SevenStockXIII is officially a go and will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2010! This year we celebrate the future of the Rotary Engine!
The SoCalRX Club, along with Mazda USA will again host the BIGGEST ROTARY SHOW in the World! Come on out and join the legions of Rotary Enthusiasts on this special day of Rotary celebration on the grounds of Mazda Corporate Headquarters in Irvine, CA. Vendors and RE enthusiast from around the globe, including Japan, Australia, and Europe attend our little BBQ every year, and this year will be no exception.
So get those NEW Rotary projects on the fast track, go ahead and stick that 20B in there, upgrade the ECU, brakes, etc and get ready for another fun filled RE weekend on 9/18/2010!
For more information regarding SevenStock XII, please visit www.SevenStock.org for updates regarding the event. Special Hotel information can be found at the SevenStock.org site as well, so get your rooms booked early!
Lucky SevenStock-13 is Rotary Powered ALL DAY LONG!
Zoom Zoom!
SoCal RX Club
SevenStock Crew
Mazda USAv
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